To relieve poverty in Madagascar

From permaculture to robotics and programming, new and essential professions of our time, the list of our guests for the third edition of "Career Day Awareness", has been drawn up based on the wishes of our children and young people, also according to the emergency that is hitting dangerously our country now.
Each year, we organise an annual project of discovery and information on careers. In 2022, our beneficiaries wanted to discuss in person to a Chef, Tourist Guide, a journalist and a policeman.
Moreover, we do believe that Malagasy generations need to be involved in sustainability not only if we want to contribute to a better Madagascar through responsible and committed youth, but also because it is no more an option to draw Malagasy development ignoring biodiversity/endemic ecosystems’ preservation.
Therefore, it seems to us that meeting with an hydrologist, an expert/activist on climate change and a social entrepreneur oriented to Sustainability will help them find the professions that will contribute first and foremost to the economy of a country like Madagascar.

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